1.) Trust.
2.) Love.
3.) Respect.
4.) Not being judgmental.
5.) Like Yourself & Your Partner. If you can't do both those things, then the relationship will fail for sure.
6.) Good communication is essential and healthy to a successful relationship. Be open and honest on how you feel about things and remember always listen in return (failure to listen can really damage a relationship).
7.) Accept that you can't solve everything. Sometimes some things just simply can not be resolved. So when that happens learn to accept it and move on.
8.) Set aside time for one another. While work schedules and other family events can often make our schedules hectic. It's important that when were in a relationship that we set aside time for one another by simply going to the beach or going to dinner or doing an activity that both you and your partner are able to do together. This will build a lot of happiness in the relationship.